Meet Vincent Curcio

Local 94 Business Agent And Former Chief Engineer

Super powers  

  • The eternal teacher – The crew is always left better than he found it and ready for action. He is so good, he once accidentally taught a stranger on the subway how to run a chiller plant.

  • The eternal learner – Always looking to learn something new

  • The start-up guy – Can take any site from post-construction to operational

  • Chance giver – Willing to give a guy a chance (Including Smith Engineering, he gave us our first PO as a company)

  • Dedication – Come hell or high water (Literally in some cases) he is there to keep it running.

  • Super Dad and Grandpa


  • 10 Hudson Yards – 1.8 MM Sq Ft

  • 30 Hudson Yards – 2.6 MM Sq Ft

    • 30 Hudson is the second-largest office tower in NYC

Super bio

  • Local 94 Business Agent

  • Chief of :

    • 10, 30, and 35 Hudson Yards

    • Crowne Plaza Times Square

    • 1330 Avenue of Americas

    • 730 3rd Avenue

    • 100 Park Avenue

  • Started as a helper at 1166 Sixth Avenue

  • Member of Local 94 for 36 years

Super project 

Smith was proud to partner with Vincent on the NYSERDA Workforce Training project at Hudson Yards.  As a lifelong instructor, it was an amazing engagement to watch Vincent work and his appreciation to improve his team and lead through his knowledge.

Unique Strategy

Teach and Train the team enough that they can take over


Meet Dennis Rozario